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Elegant Elements for Fusion Builder and Avada

Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $3.99.

286 sold

Elegant Elements for Fusion Builder plugin is an add-on for Fusion Builder page builder for Avada. A must-have add-on for Avada and Fusion Builder. Design your stunning website, even more, faster with our ever-growing library of 50+ elements and 100+ custom-designed and unique templates.

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Elegant Elements for Fusion Builder and Avada Nulled


  1. NEW: LOTTIE CONTENT BOXAdd interactive Lottie animated icons to the content box and make it stand out and attract your user’s attention. Let your content box icons tell the story with the interactiveness of LottieFiles.
  2. NEW: ELEGANT HERO SECTIONElegant Hero Section is quick and easy alternative to Fusion Slider, if you’re using single slide to design the hero section in header. You can even combine multiple Hero Section elements in Anything Carousel to form a slider.
  3. NEW: IMAGE OVERLAY BUTTONImage Overlay Button element allows you to add beautiful overlay effect with a button on top of the image. This works as a great CTA and grab your user attention ti the image quickly.
  4. NEW: ANIMATED BLOB SHAPESAnimated blob shape images adds a new level of interactivity to your website. You can control the initial blob shape, the secondary blob shape and colors, and add any content within the Blob shape using Avada Element Generator.
  5. NEW: Lottie Animation as Column BackgroundAdding video backgrounds increases your loading time and can take time for videos to appear and play in the background. We are introducing an awesome feature to allow you to use the Lottie animation as your column background. Take a look at the demo page to see how it feels!
  6. STAR RATINGSStar Ratings element help you to increase your organic Google search ratings, increase CTR, and reduce bounce rate. Customize everything from star icons to their sizes, colors, and spacing.
  7. TEXT PATHElegant Elements for Avada provides Text Path element to attach your text to 8+ predefined shapes with full design flexibility. You can customize everything including the font-family, font-size, and colors for the text path content.
  8. PARTICLES BANNERParticles banner element allows you to add awesome looking particles to your website. You can add background image or color to give the particles even more awesome effect. With option to customize everything including the particle shape, color, stroke and animation, it is now a lot easier to add different particles to your website.
  9. SLICEBOX 3D IMAGE SLIDER [ BETA ]Convert your regular image carousel sliders to a three-dimensional image slicing slider. The eye caching interactive slice animation will add another layer of awesomeness to your website. This element is still in beta as we’re trying to gather user feedback for the use-cases of the element so we can enhance it.
  10. IMAGE SWAP ELEMENTAs the name suggests, the image swap element will help you display another image when you hover your mouse on an image. This is best to show images with differences or features etc.
  11. HORIZONTAL SCROLLING IMAGE SLIDERUnlike the regular image carousel slider, the horizontal scrolling image slider displays the slider as the first and last images looks cut-off and display partially. It also provides you an option to display the images in a zigzag layout to make the carousel more attractive.
  12. ELEGANT IMAGEThe elegant image element adds the image itself as the shadow, while you can add multiple triggers like lightbox, modal, and custom link to the image when you click on it. Elegant image also allows you to add custom border radius to the image or use the blob shape.
  13. OFF-CANVAS CONTENTAdd beautiful flyout panels to your website to display any content like menus, reference links, contact forms, additional information using responsive Off-Canvas content element
  14. LOTTIE ANIMATED IMAGELottie interactive animations will instantly transform your website design to a new level. There are thousands of free animations you can use on your website.
  15. INSTAGRAM PROFILE CARDInstagram Profile Card element will help you to showcase your Instagram profile with awesome layout with recent images slider, your profile photo, username, number of followers, and the follow button that will take the users to your Instagram profile.
  16. INSTAGRAM TEASER BOXThe element will generate a nice-looking teaser box with 4 latest images on your Instagram account, shows the number of followers and a follow button that will link to your profile.
  17. BLOB SHAPE IMAGESTransform the way you add images to your Avada site. Easily create random, unique, and awesome looking blob shapes. You can style the blob shapes with gradient color overlays, add images, and the content over them to make them look more beautiful!
  18. DISTORTION HOVER IMAGEAdd special distortion effect on images being transitioning on hover. The placement image pattern makes it look awesome when while the transition is taking place.
  19. ANIMATED SECTION DIVIDERSAdd animated section dividers to your site and make each section feel live. Animated Dividers element provides 15+ different dividers with full customization possibilities.
  20. RIBBONSAn awesome Ribbons element that will allow you to add beauty to your website. You can use the ribbons to display headings and offers.
  21. WHATSAPP CLICK TO CHAT BUTTONAdd a WhatsApp button on your site to allow your users to contact you on your WhatsApp with a pre-defined custom message. You can control everything including the number, message and the styling.
  22. BIG CAPSBig Caps element by Elegant Elements allows you to add content with the first letter being large. This element is different from the Dropcap and provides you options to customize the font-size and colors.
  23. DOCUMENT VIEWERYou can now display PDF, MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel Spreadsheet documents on your website instead of just linking them to download the document file. This will help you to keep your visitors on your website for a longer time.
  24. BUSINESS HOURSCreate a stylish business hours section that suits your website with the Business Hours module of the Elegant Elements for Fusion Builder. You can control all parts and style everything to fit your site design scheme.
  25. CUBE BOXAdd a beautiful content boxes to your website that turns like a cube and displays the content on the other side on the mouse hover. Cube box adds great value to your website when you want to display different content on hover.
  26. ADVANCED VIDEOEmbed a video on your website with an optimized Video module that allows you to customize thumbnail, play button and more without affecting your page load time. Load videos only when user clicks on the play button.
  27. RETINA IMAGEHigh-end devices need high definition retina images that are clear and add to the beauty of your website. The Retina Image element lets you add the retina version of an image alongside the default form.
  28. VIDEO LISTYou can display your videos from Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia, and even your self hosted videos in a list format with unique design style. You can control each and every part of the element including the border and it’s colors as well.
  29. FAQ RICH SNIPPETSNow boost your search engine visibility by displaying the FAQ rich snippets in your website’s search results. This element will help you add FAQs to your website and generates the required schema markup using JSON format that Google will use to display in search results for the page you’ve added this element. The element comes with two layouts – descriptive ( boxed ) and the accordion ( toggle ).
  30. CONTENT TOGGLEShow different prices or features with the content toggle element. You need to save the content elements in the library in order to use this element. You can display your monthly/annual prices or different between features etc. using the content toggle element.
  31. IMAGE SEPARATORWith the Image Separator element, you can now turn your simple containers into beautiful and awesome sections with image divider. You can set the dividers for containers and columns separately.
  32. DUAL STYLE HEADINGHighlight your focus words in your heading to draw your user’s attention with the dual style heading element. Unlimited possibilities come with the number of options available to customize each heading part in the element separately. Add different text colors, backgrounds and even typography to make your headings stand out and attractive.
  33. INSTAGRAM GALLERYShowcase your instagram images on your website using Instagram Element. You can show the comments and likes each photo received as well.
  34. SKEW HEADINGSSkew Headings Element will allow you to display your headings in a unique and elegant way with skew backgrounds with gradient colors.
  35. IMAGE HOTSPOTSHighlight essential points on your images using the Image Hotspot element. Freely choose the pointer location and add a tooltip to describe what that part is.
  36. IMAGE MASK HEADINGEver wanted to display your background textures behind your heading text? Now, you can show your creativity with the Image Mask Heading element.
  37. ICON BLOCKIcon Block element will allow you to add a beautiful icon and text block with gradient background colors. The ability to set the icon itself as a background will add another layer of awesomeness to your website design.
  38. LIST BOXShow the normal bulleted lists with a unique design with title and icons in a boxed layout.
  39. PROFILE PANELShowcase your team or clients with a nice unique way with Profile Panel element.
  40. EXPANDING SECTIONThe all-new expanding section element allows you to display your content in toggle like element with heading and sub-heading with gradient background colors, which adds the awesome look to your site.
  41. IMAGE COMPAREDisplay your before and after images on top of each other with a nice drag effect and custom captions.
  42. GRADIENT HEADINGNow, you’ll have the ability to add gradient color to your heading text with Gradient Heading Element. Highlight the heading with some awesome gradient color to capture your visitor’s attention.
  43. IMAGE FILTERSDisplay your gallery images, portfolio images, your product categories, your clients for your services or anything that you want to show with sortable filters. You can add an image, its title and custom colors to the title to show each image title as unique.
  44. ELEGANT CARDSCreate beautiful cards with image, title, description and a button to link any url. Describe anything you want, showcase your customers, highlight your services and much more.
  45. ANYTHING CAROUSELThe perfect element to carousel any content you want. Add only images to show a nice image slider, enter your videos and allow them to slide. More content in a small space.
  46. DUAL BUTTONAdd beauty to your site by adding dual buttons. Allow users to choose their action from either This or That. Display two buttons side by side separated with a text or an icon.
  47. EMPTY SPACEStuck with the spacing in between two elements? Here’s the solution – Empty Space element to add vertical or horizontal space between them to make them look how you want.
  48. FANCY BANNERWanna display nice banners on your site with background image, title, description and a button to link? Use our Fancy Banner element and show your imaginary in a beautiful way.


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We share Themes & Plugins at this site based on 100% GPL license, so you can rest assured to use for personal purposes or for your client's website. The Themes & Plugins on our website are activated products without License key. We download 100% directly from the author's official website. If you notice a mistake, please contact us for an update, change or refund if you are not satisfied with the product we provide!


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