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rtMedia Pro + Add-Ons

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $3.99.

299 sold Normal Product Basic Membership

rtMedia is the only complete media solution for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress, and is VIP compatible.

Built with a mobile-first approach, it works on mobile/tablet devices (like iPhone/iPad, Android).

Buy Membership & Get All

Notice: Always read the notes in description (if exists) before you buy. Thank you very much!

  • Unlimited Website Usage – Personal & Clients
  • Quick help through Email & Support Tickets
  • Get Regular Updates For Life
  • All Plugins and Themes under GPL License
  • 100% original clean files without viruses
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  • Get all Theme, Plugin and Lifetime License
  • Unlimited number of websites to use
  • Lifetime Updates Directly From Admin
Become a VIP Member Now

Once purchased, you can download the file from My Account ->  Downloads page or from the “Downloads” tab that appears next to the “Note before buying” tab.

Introduce rtMedia Pro + Add-Ons:


rtMedia is the only complete media solution for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress, and is VIP compatible.

Built with a mobile-first approach, it works on mobile/tablet devices (like iPhone/iPad, Android).


  1. WordPress Integration – Display media on WordPress author pages ( eg: )
  2. BuddyPress Integration – Find a new media tab under BuddyPress Profiles & Groups.
  3. BuddyPress Activity Stream – Attach media to activity status updates just like Facebook.
  4. Albums – Organise media into manageable collections. BuddyPress Group albums support collaboration.
  5. Responsive – Album Slideshow (Lightbox), video player, uploads work on mobiles & tablets. Support for swipe guestures.
  6. Privacy – Control who can see media files, albums and BuddyPress activities.
  7. Templating system – Completely customise rtMedia by modifying the template files. Just copy over the template folder to your theme.
  8. Featured Media – This can be used for facebook-style cover photo on profiles.
  9. rtMedia Uploader – Use [rtmedia_uploader] shortcode or <?php rtmedia_uploader() ?> template tag, to show drag-n-drop uploader in any WordPress area (post, page, custom-post, etc).
  10. rtMedia Gallery – Display media gallery anywhere on your site using [rtmedia_gallery] shortcode or <?php rtmedia_gallery ?> template tag.
  11. Upload-Terms – This feature is useful to set terms of services page on website during user upload media on website.


  1. Instagram-Effects – Users can apply Instagram like filters to photos.
  2. Photo-Tagging – Users can tag their friends/other users in photos.
  3. Photo-Watermark – rtMedia Photo Watermark feature let you watermarked or copyright your uploaded photos.)
  4. Membership – It provides membership functionality in your site.
  5. Social-Sync – It allows you to import media from your Facebook account.
  6. myCRED-Points – It allows you to integrate rtMedia with myCRED and award virtual points for various rtMedia activities, like media upload, likes, deleted, albums creation, playlist, etc.
  7. Playlists – This feature is used to create a playlist for uploaded music file with rtMedia.
  8. Favorites – This feature allows users to create their own list of favorite media.
  9. Moderation – This feature is for reporting media if user find offensive.
  10. Custom-Attributes – This feature is for categorizing media using attributes defined by site owner when uploading.
  11. Docs-and-Other-files – This feature allows uploading for doc, pdf and other file types such as zip, tar, etc.
  12. Default-Albums – This feature allows the creation of multiple default albums for rtMedia uploads.
  13. Podcast-Feed – Read rtMedia uploads from iTunes as well as any RSS feed-reader/podcasting software.
  14. Restrictions – Site admin can set limits in terms of total size & file count.
  15. bbPress-Attachments – Attach media files to bbPress forum topics and replies.
  16. WordPress-Sitewide-Gallery – Site admin can create and upload media into WordPress album.
  17. WordPress-Comment-Attachments – Allow users to upload a media file in WordPress comment attachment box.
  18. Social-Sharing – Share uploaded media on social network sites like Facebook, twitter, linkedin, Google+. This addon integrate with rtSocial plugin.
  19. Sidebar-Widgets – This feature provide widgets to upload media and display gallery for rtMedia plugin.
  20. 5-Star-Ratings – User can rate the media files from 1 to 5 star.
  21. Edit-Mp3-Info-(ID3 Tags) – Allow user to edit MP3 FIle Audio tags (ID 3 tags).
  22. Sorting – Sort uploaded media based on file size, ascending/descending title, upload date of media.
  23. Bulk-Edit – Allow users to move files from one album to another, change attributes, change privacy, delete files in bulk.
  24. BuddyPress-Profile-Picture – Allow users to set their profile picture from existing uploaded media file.
  25. Album-Cover-Art – Allow users to set album cover from uploaded image.
  26. Direct-Download-Link – This feature provide a download button for all the uploaded media.
  27. Upload-by-URL – Allow users to upload media using absolute URL.
  28. Likes – This feature let you know who liked media. User can also see which media file he/she liked under user profile.
  29. Activity-URL-Preview – This feature provides a preview of the URL that is shared and shows up on BuddyPress activity.
  30. View-Counter – Enable view count for all the uploaded media.
  31. Shortcode-Generator – The shortcode generator button added in WordPress post and page editor for all the rtMedia shortcodes.
  32. Album-Privacy – Set album privacy when user create new albums or edit album.
  33. BuddyPress-Group-Media-Control – Allow group owner to provide media upload feature for their group.
  34. Set-Custom-Thumbnail-for-Audio/Video – Allow media owner to change the thumbnail of uploaded audio/video files.
  35. rtMedia-SEO – Generate XML sitemap of all the public media files uploaded via rtMedia plugin, also compatible with Yoast-SEO plugin if you are already using on your site.


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Once purchased, you can download the file from the “Downloads” tab that appears next to it, or at the Account -> Downloads page .

Before purchasing the product, please read the terms of use carefully at the page: Privacy Policy

If you have any questions, please read the FAQ section at the following link:  FAQs

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us via email , or online support system.

Each product you can use for unlimited websites.

Note: Do not use IDM to download products, because IDM will send a lot of requests to the server causing confusion, causing you to run out of downloads within a day with  Membership


Original price was: $799.00.Current price is: $14.99.

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Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $0.00.

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Basic Membership


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Agency Membership

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $3.99.
Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $3.99.
Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $6.99.
Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $3.99.




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