Most individuals make their financial decisions based on past experiences, hearsay, advertisements, hot tips, and even wrong assumptions. One cannot and ought not to commit mistakes relating to hard-earned money. Individuals have the right to control and manage the money they have earned by acquiring knowledge about investments. Investors should maintain personal records and statements for their investment decisions with a reliable source of factual information, enter into valid transactions, and, when necessary, seek competent professional advice. These practices need a sound grounding in industry standards, ethics, and regulatory guidelines, as they affect the investment decisions of individuals. The concepts of savings, investments, planning, risk-return preferences, and goal setting are universal. The elements and principles of sound investing evolve from simple principles to advanced life planning concepts as individuals go through different phases of life.the importance of appropriate finance management is essential for everyone. As individuals, the importance of finance in our lives is paramount. We should manage money flow intelligently to meet the needs of different phases of our lives, such as education, housing, marriage, and children’s welfare. Thus, we need to reorganize the finance management schemes from time to time to meet changing cash flow scenarios.
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