Introduce WooCommerce Order Limit:
WooCommerce Order Limit allows you to set order limits based on products, categories, customers, time spans, order total, and payment methods during checkout.
There are times when you need more control over how much can be ordered from your online store. It has to be the right amount so the order is easy to fulfill. That’s where the WooCommerce Order Limit plugin comes in.
The WooCommerce limit order quantity plugin lets you create rules for minimum and maximum order limits. Create rules based on specific customers, products, and categories for both number of items ordered and the total order amount. The WooCommerce Order Limit Plugin gives you complete control over every order that’s placed on your store so you never have to worry about your production and shipping capacities.
Main Feature WooCommerce Order Limit:
Ready to go
Designed to run without any coding. Upload, activate and Place Order Limit, that’s all.
No extra requirements
Works with minimum requirements that supported by almost every hosting provider.
User Experience
Designed for fluent usage with continuous form design with best UX.
Responsive UI
Access your dashboard from any device like mobile, tablet or desktop to Place Limit on Order.
Compatible with themes
WooCommerce and WC Vendors Order Limit is compatible with every feature that defined by your WordPress themes.
Compatible with plugins
WooCommerce and WC Vendors Order Limit is compatible with every feature that defined by your WordPress plugins.
Basic to Advance
Designed to fit every purpose of usage, from basic to advance.
Video Tutorials
YouTube playlist that covers all Woo Commerce and WC Vendors Order Limit options and features for comfy usage.
You can check our tutorials on YouTube using this link WooCommerce and WC Vendors Order Limit Tutorials
User guides
Well documented user guide that covers all options and features for comfy usage.
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